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David Faught - Artist Esquire

David grew up on a farm in the small Missouri town of Walnut Grove. Since he was old enough to pick up a pencil he has been creating art. As a child, it started out as Star Wars and has evolved to all the things that he loves today.

In 2005 he made the leap to make being an Artist his full-time profession. Since this time, he has had the opportunity to work with many major companies and movies as well as collaborate with numerous models and actors/actress on pieces. He has also discovered that his passion lies in doing Pin-up and Horror themed art as well as Comic and Sci-Fi/Fantasy art.

Currently, David resides just outside of Springfield, Missouri and is focusing on growing his brand and expanding his portfolio.


List of projects David has worked on:

Shadow artist for both Marvel and DC comics

Drifter Series

Z.O.D. and Shane Moore collaborations

Head Metal Comics

Freelance with many Major companies and movies.

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